Online Ordering

We make it easy
to order cabinets online.

Make your life easier by ordering custom cabinets through our online ordering system. Get access to customizable sizes, a selection of finishes, and 24/7 quotes and ordering.

How does it work?

Our online ordering system is user friendly, self-guided, and accessible 24/7. Simply follow the steps below to order your custom cabinets.


SELECT your product

Choose from our wide range of available upper and lower custom cabinet styles.


CUSTOMIZE the size

Tailor your order to ensure that your selected cabinets are the right width, height, and depth.


CHOOSE the finishes

Our Life in Colours curated collection offers a great selection of colours, textures, door styles, and accessories.


PACKAGE options

Choose between fully assembled modules or flat packed cabinets based on your project requirements.


PLACE your order

When you’re happy with your choices, place your cabinet order and our team will start getting everything read for you.


GET your cabinets

Choose between having the cabinets delivered by our team to your jobsite and picking up the cabinets from our shop.

Life in colours

Our curated collection of finishes, colours and textures—bringing the colours of nature indoors.

Custom colours are available. We have other finishes and colours available, contact us for special requests.

Order with FormaPros

Your blog for cabinetry solutions, design, and news!

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Trusted partners & affiliations

At Forma Cabinets, we are proud to work closely with some of the best vendors and companies in the cabinet making industry.